Dancers and friends,

Make sure you read this letter to the very end.

Safety at our dances is our number one priority and we want to inform you of a possible Covid exposure on Thursday 10/7/2021.

On Thursday evening (10/7) there was a young woman at the Merc dance (between roughly 9:45-11:00 pm) who on Friday (10/8) began experiencing Covid symptoms. She tested positive on Sunday (10/10). She is vaccinated and danced with only 7-8 people. She’s contacted everyone she has contact information for.

As you know, our events are vaccine only.  The chances of a break through infection with a vaccinated individual (especially where all people in attendance are vaccinated) is extremely rare.  While it's not likely, it's still possible as vaccines aren't 100% effective.  Moderna and Pfizer are about 94% and Johnson and Johnson is 66%.

You can read more about break through infections with vaccinated individuals on the CDC website here.

If you are experiencing any Covid symptoms, or you had a recent positive Covid test, please let us know so that we can keep track of it.
So what does this mean for you and what do you have to do?

Well... from what we've read, if you have no symptoms, then nothing at all.  With a potentially Covid positive person at the Swing Night’s dance, the chances of you catching Covid from that individual are pretty slim (high five to you for getting vaccinated!).  *breaths sigh of relief*

Here's what the CDC says about vaccinated individuals who have had a Covid exposure:

"If you’ve been around someone who has COVID-19, you do not need to stay away from others or get tested unless you have symptoms. However, if you live or work in a correctional or detention facility or a homeless shelter and are around someone who has COVID-19, you should still get tested, even if you don’t have symptoms."

For more info you can go here on the 
CDC website.

Alternatively, getting a PCR test (3-5 days after a potential exposure), even if you don't have symptoms, is a great way to keep each other safe, friends! COVIDCheck Colorado offers free PCR testing at a bunch of sites across the state and provides results within three days. They currently have lots of appointments available--you can find your closest testing site here. You can also buy rapid testing from your local pharmacy.

Questions, comments, or concerns?  Feel free to email us!

Since it's advised to continue on with business as usual (unless you have symptoms), we’re continuing our weekly vaccinated-only dances as scheduled.  We hope to see you there! Stay Safe and Much Love!

Ceth Stifel
Swing Nights

*(Credit and thanks to Jonathan Pritchard for the research and template of this letter, and also to Mara Steinhaus for the paragraph on local PCR testing sites. Thank you both!)