Balboa & Bal Swing Workshop with World Renowned Instructors and Champions: Jeremy Otth and Laura Keat
Register Now to get discounted prices:
Workshop Info:
10:45am Check In and Warm Up
11:00am – 12:10pm Finesse, Form & Function
* Learn Jeremy & Laura’s secrets to relax & refine your style
12:15pm – 1:15pm Fantastic 5
* 5 great additions to improve your dancing
1:30pm – 2:30pm Lunch Break
2:30pm – 3:40pm Spins & Turns made Fun & Easy
* Great technique to make your turns more comfortable and clear
3:45pm – 4:45pm Jeremy & Laura’s FAVS!
* Some of Jeremy & Laura’s favorite combos & variations put together
8:30pm Dance to Jeremy Mohney
Who: Workshops designed for *Intermediate and Advanced level Balboa dancers (see pre-requisite below)
Where: Overstreet Dance Center
5366 S. Bannock Street
Littleton, CO 80120
Workshop only: $59 before August 9 ($65 at the door)
Workshop & Dance: $67 before August 9 ($75 at the door)
Dance Only: $8 before August 9 ($10 at the door)
*Workshop registrants should already have experience with the following:
Up-hold Basic, Down-hold Basic, Paddle Turns, Come-Arounds, Lolly Kicks and some exposure to Out & Ins
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Earlier Event: August 10
Swing Nights' Lindy Jam
Later Event: August 13
Sunday Night Jitterbug featuring Queen City Jazz Band!