The Jamin Jackson Lindy Hop Workshop!

Swing Nights is proud to host Jamin Jackson for a Lindy Hop Weekend Workshop in Denver, CO this April 2018! Jamin is ready to help you transform your Lindy Hop, and make yourself a better partner to others on the dance floor.

Our Workshop has an OPEN LEVEL student day (Sat), an ADVANCED & INT + student day (Sun), and The Big Bash on Saturday night. Dress to impress at The Big Bash featuring Denver's premier vintage jazz band Joe Smith & the Spicy Pickles! You may also want to toss your hat into the ring for the Big Bash Bounce (a Luck of the Draw contest) or the Big Bash Battle (a Strictly dance contest). Join us for this exciting weekend!


Which day should I choose?


At Swing Nights we're about bringing you WORLD CLASS instruction at affordable prices. We also want everyone to have an amazing in class experience, and so it's appropriate that you pick the level that is most appropriate for you!

Saturday is 4 hours of amazing OPEN LEVEL instruction with Jamin. However, if you don't know the basics of Lindy Hop you will probably feel a little lost. We'd recommend taking a month or two of basic Lindy Hop lessons before jumping into this workshop. You can do so right here.

Sunday is going to be a fast paced day for the accomplished Lindy Hop dancer. Here's a list of level requirements you should consider before signing up for the ADVANCED & INT + day (or the whole weekend): You practice regularly, You're consistently looking for ways to improve your dancing, You travel for dance or would like to, You've solved the "problem" of 6 ct vs. 8 ct (and beyond!) and seamlessly blend them all, You can dance comfortably at 180 bpm and above, You've Level Tested into the stratosphere at major Lindy Hop events, You have a positive attitude toward dancers of all levels, and Your non-dance friends often wonder where you've gone off to! We encourage ADVANCED & INT + level dancers to SIGN UP FOR THE WHOLE WEEKEND!

Please field any questions about levels to

Online registration is now CLOSED, but feel free to show up and pay at the door!

*There are NO REFUNDS, excepting a cancellation of the event. Passes are transferable, but please notify us of transfer. Thanks!


Saturday, April 21st, 2018 (at the Mercury Cafe)

11:00-12:00 Jamin's Method, Module 1
12:00-1:00 Jamin's Method, Module 2
1:00-2:00 LUNCH
2:00-3:00 Musicality
3:00-4:00 The Road to Mastery

THE BIG BASH featuring Joe Smith & the Spicy Pickles! (at the Mercury Cafe)

7:00 DJ music
8:00 Joe Smith and the Spicy Pickles Begin & Contest Registration Closes
9:00 The Big Bash Bounce (Luck of the Draw) Pre-lims
9:15 The Big Bash Battle (Strictly) Pre-lims
9:30 Joe Smith and the Spicy Pickles
10:30 The Big Bash Bounce Finals
10:45 The Big Bash Battle Finals
11:45 Contest Results Announced!
11:00-1 Late Night Dancing

Sunday, April 22nd, 2018 (at the Mercury Cafe)

11:00-12:00 Jamin's Method, Module 3
12:00-1:00 Momentum & Movement
1:00-2:00 LUNCH
2:00-3:00 Dancing Outside the Box
3:00-4:00 Creativity and Staying Humble


$100 Open Level Day (Sat) AND The Big Bash
$100 Advanced Day (Sun) AND The Big Bash
$125 for the ENTIRE weekend (Sat, Sun, AND the Big Bash)

ONLINE REGISTRATION IS CLOSED, but you can sign up the day of the workshop at the door!

$20 Admission to The Big Bash ONLY (pay at the door)
$10 Big Bash Battle (Strictly) Contest Entry Fee, per individual
$5 Big Bash Bounce (Luck of the Draw) Contest Entry Fee, per individual

About Jamin

Jamin Jackson is a world renowned professional dancer, entrepreneur and coach. He founded the online school Street Smart Swing and has empowered dancers for over 26 years globally. He is known for his focus on principles, a positive charismatic style, and his ability to help people cultivate a positive mental attitude in their personal development as human beings.

He has over 18,000 hours of experience in the styles of Lindy Hop, Hip Hop, Musical Theater, and Jazz. Jamin has helped build and strengthen Lindy Hop communities in 20 countries across the world, and still has unflagging enthusiasm to grow the dance in new territories around the globe. His passion for Lindy Hop drives him to spread the dance to those waiting for the joy that it brings.


We're hosting two contests at the Saturday night dance:

THE BIG BASH BOUNCE (Luck of the Draw)
Sign up as either a Lead or a Follow, and it's the luck of the draw with whom you're paired. This time-honored test of social dancing skill will challenge your conjuring of instant chemistry! Tempos will be moderate and fast.
$5 per dancer (pay at the door)

Choose your partner and get ready to throw down! Show us your tricks and feats of daring. May the best couple win!
$10 per dancer (pay at the door)

If you'd like to register early for the contest, please write us at


The Jamin Jackson Lindy Hop Workshop AND The Big Bash are held at Denver's very own Home of Happy Feet, the legendary Mercury Cafe:

The Mercury Cafe
2199 California Street
Denver, CO 80205




Are you traveling in from out of town and looking for housing? Let us know and we'll do our best to help out!