Beginning Lindy Hop
Now that we know the main transitions of the Swing Out (the S.O. from closed position & the Circle), try to dance out your basics to an entire song! We'd suggest starting with something slow like Your Feet's Too Big, and then working up to something faster. We also talked about jockeying in closed position to sync up with your partner, and to use jig kicks in closed position if you're getting too dizzy from all that Swinging Out! Nice work all!
Intermediate Lindy Hop
Continuing our series of Fun Social Moves we worked on four different combinations! The first move added a Leader's turn to last week's lesson, the second was the classic touch-the-back or "washing machine", third we had a forward facing Swing Out with a tuck & turn for the Follow on counts 6 & 7, and we wrapped up literally with an unusual entrance, wrap, and exit for an equally unusual move!
Wow, did we have fun tonight!
Joe Smith & the Spicy Pickles were fantastic as always, and we witnessed the introduction of Cara Griffith, a new female vocalist, to their live line-up.
The Diamond Dolls debuted their new routine "Jump In The Line" featuring choreography by Melissa Mullins and Lindsay Ragsdale, with stellar dancers and a fun finale with floating handkerchiefs... check it out below!
We can't wait to Swing Out again with you all next week!
For more photos from the night, visit our Facebook!