Thursday Recap: Week 3, March 2017

Beginning Lindy Hop

Our new material was very traditional, the Around the World with Points, a classic Frankie Manning movement!  We're used to stretching away on the 1 & 2, so this takes some practice to learn how to lead & follow.  Great work tonight!

Intermediate Lindy Hop

We worked on a Swing Out with an interesting pop-turn in the middle.  Leaders, if you want to recreate this one on the dance floor, make sure that you're leading toward your right shoulder with the pop-turn (and not across your body).  You'll also both switch sides once more.  We used the momentum of this movement's follow through to initiate a four-count turn.

Then we worked on what we called the "S-turn fake-out".  It's a continuous move that turns your 10-count S-turn into a massive 16-count monster (and cool transition into hand-to-hand Charleston!)


Our DJ's Lark Mervine & Anthony Carusiello made sure that we had a great night of dancing!

Be sure to check out all the info on our up-coming workshop with Stefan & Bethany... it's going to be awesome, and the deadline for saving $ is coming up soon!