Media Round Up!
We had our TIKI PARTY! Thanks to everyone who came out for it. It's an event that's near and dear to our hearts because it has so much Denver history attached to it, going all the way back to the early years of 23 Skidoo. It was so much fun dancing, taking photos in the photo booth, hanging out with y'all, and listening to the awesome tunes of DJ's Alan Davies and Freeman Bacon! It's also a BEAST to put together. Consider Denver thoroughly de-weeded. A huge thanks go out to Dani, Cisco, and Emil for all the set-up, and Joshua, AD, and Johnny for tear down, and the numerous others who helped out whenever and wherever they could. Without your help, it wouldn't have happened.
On Saturday, The Sizzling Hot Tomatoes played the final Swinging August Nights for 2018, and we had a great time teaching at the Merc on Sunday night with the David Booker Swingtet playing afterward.
Saturday was also fabulous because we had our team/s picnic! It was a great way to finish off this session of Retros and QuickSilvers, and we're looking forward to a new beginning this next Monday. Everyone is so talented, and it was so much fun to relax with singers, ukulele players, slack-line explorers, card players, and friends. We're so lucky to be part of such a great community!
We've also just announced a Big Apple Workshop that we have coming up on Sept. 8th! This is hands down one of our favorite dances, and if you've ever wanted to learn it, we hope you save the date in your calendar and join us. It's going to be fun.
About our Media Round Up: We spend a lot of time each week editing photos of y'all and trying to capture how fun it is to be a part of the Swing Nights' community. Whether you make it to the Lindy Jam or a Sunday night it's always a blast! And while we do share these photos on social media, we'd like to make them available to everyone at a higher resolution and have them on our own site too.
"Wind Tunnel" 8/19/2018