We had so much fun on Thursday night with rock star DJ's Kyle Smith and Albert Mak! The night also featured debut performances of new choreography from both the Mercury Retros and QuickSilvers! You may have caught the performances on Thursday night, or Friday night at the Turn, or Sunday night to massive Labor Day crowds. Thank you everyone for always making the Mercury Cafe an exciting place to dance! Check out the video below of the Retros Sunday performance. It's fun!
Speaking of performing... we were so privileged to be able to perform with our students all weekend. There are a lot of great feelings in life, and swinging out with the people you love is one of them! We just started a new routine for the Retros this past Monday night, and it's not too late to join! If you're interested, message us, or just show up next week. We'll work on this routine (among other things) for the next 3 months in preparation of the 1940's Ball!
Don't forget our Big Apple Workshop is THIS Saturday Sept. 8th! Join us for our favorite solo dance in the round. We're going to have a good time.
...and TOMORROW night, Thursday the 6th at the Merc, we're going to have an awesome contest to get warmed up for all the awesome-ness that is Lindy on the Rocks happening NEXT WEEKEND! It's a Strictly, it starts at 10 pm sharp, and one couple will win $100! See you soon!
About our Media Round Up: We spend a lot of time each week editing photos of y'all and trying to capture how fun it is to be a part of the Swing Nights' community. Whether you make it to the Lindy Jam or a Sunday night it's always a blast! And while we do share these photos on social media, we'd like to make them available to everyone at a higher resolution and have them on our own site too.
"Drum Line" 8/26/18