Our Blog and Media Round-Up for the Week of Oct 7th!

Media Round-Up!

Have we ever mentioned how much we LOVE Lindy Hop? With its roots and creation in Harlem, NY, it’s got history and depth. Danced to vintage jazz masters the likes of Count Basie and Louis Armstrong, it’s athletic and energetic. Frieda Washington and Frankie Manning threw the first air-step, so now it’s acrobatic, and jump to today, where there are vibrant communities literally around the world from Korea to Sweden to Turkey and back home again. Lindy Hop has become a dance that can unify people of different cultures and ethnic backgrounds through its unique language of connection and movement (…done to some of the best music in the world)! If Music is the Universal Language, then Lindy Hop is most assuredly its first cousin. If you Lindy Hop, how great is it to know that you can travel the world, and instantly be welcomed into communities, second homes away from home, that “speak your same language”? It’s wonderful!

Speaking of wonderful, we had a fantastic week with William and the Romantics playing Sunday night, and DJ’s Chip Self & Lark Mervine spinning all night Thursday! Thank you all for making those nights such a huge success! Coming up we have our Halloween Party on Thursday October 25th with Jeremy Mohney, so come on out in your costumed finest and boo-gie with us! Also, if you or a friend would like to “Learn to Swing Dance in a Day!” you should join Dani and I for our 3-hour workshop coming up on November 10th! It’s going to be a blast! Come out and visit us soon, and we’ll see you on the dance floor! -Ceth & Dani

About our Media Round Up: We spend a lot of time each week editing photos of y’all and trying to capture how fun it is to be a part of the Swing Nights’ community. Whether you make it to the Lindy Jam or a Sunday night it’s always a blast! And while we do share these photos on social media, we’d like to make them available to everyone at a higher resolution and have them on our own site too.

Be sure to follow us on FacebookInstagram, and YouTube!

“Coffee Date!” 10/7/18

From the Gallery

October’s First Jam Routine!

Beginner Lindy Hop, Week 2, October 2018

Intermediate Lindy Hop, Week 2, October 2018